Magic aramid fiber

Aramid fiber was born in the late 1960s. It was initially unknown as a material for the development of the universe and an important strategic material. After the end of the Cold War, aramid fiber, as a high-tech fiber material, was widely used in civil fields, and it gradually became known. There are two kinds of aramid fibers with the most practical value: one is meta-aramid fiber with zigzag molecular chain arrangement, which is called aramid fiber 1313 in China; One is para-aramid fiber with linear molecular chain arrangement, which is called aramid fiber 1414 in China.

At present, aramid fiber is an important material for national defense and military industry. In order to meet the needs of modern warfare, the bulletproof vests of developed countries such as the United States and Britain are made of aramid fiber. The lightweight of aramid bulletproof vests and helmets has effectively improved the rapid response ability and lethality of the army. In the Gulf War, aramid composites were widely used by American and French aircraft. In addition to military applications, it has been widely used as a high-tech fiber material in aerospace, electromechanical, construction, automobiles, sporting goods and other aspects of the national economy. In aviation and aerospace, aramid fiber saves a lot of power fuel because of its light weight and high strength. According to foreign data, every kilogram of weight reduction during the launch of spacecraft means a cost reduction of $1 million. In addition, the rapid development of science and technology is opening up more new civil space for aramid fiber. According to reports, aramid products are used for bulletproof vests and helmets, accounting for about 7-8%, and aerospace materials and sports materials account for about 40%. Tire skeleton materials, conveyor belt materials and other aspects account for about 20%, and high-strength ropes account for about 13%. The tire industry also began to use aramid cord in large quantities to reduce weight and rolling resistance.

Aramid, fully known as “polyphenylphthalamide” and named as Aramid fiber in English, is a new type of high-tech synthetic fiber, which has excellent properties such as ultra-high strength, high modulus, high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light weight, insulation, long life cycle of aging resistance, etc. Its strength is greater than 28g/denier, which is 5-6 times that of high-quality steel wire, 2 times that of high-strength nylon wire, 1.6 times that of high-strength graphite and 3 times that of glass fiber. The modulus is 2-3 times that of steel wire or glass fiber, the toughness is 2 times that of steel wire, and the weight is only about 1/5 of that of steel wire. Excellent high temperature resistance, long-term use temperature of 300 degrees, short-term high temperature resistance of 586 degrees. The discovery of aramid fiber is considered as a very important historical process in the field of materials.

Post time: Nov-21-2022