The function of windproof rope

1. It can make the tent more stable;
2. The more important role is to separate the tent’s internal and external accounts and make the tent full;
The advantages of this are:
So that the air layer between the inner account and the outer account can flow to provide fresh air for the inner account;
The air layer can also keep warm;
Make the waterproofness of the external account really play a role;
The gas generated by breathing passes through the inner tent, condenses into water droplets on the outer tent and slides down, which will not wet the sleeping bag, moisture-proof pad, etc.
Correct use of windproof rope
There will be such a three-hole slider on the windproof rope, one end of which is knotted, and the other end which is not knotted is the non-scribed end. Use these steps:
1. Put one end of the windproof rope without sliding piece into the buttonhole of the tent, fasten it, and then start to adjust one end of the sliding piece;
2. Pull out the loop rope near the end rope tail in the slide and cover the ground nail; ​
3. Choose the location of the ground nail according to the ground conditions. Generally speaking, the smaller the angle between the windbreak rope and the ground, the better the wind resistance of the tent;
4. Insert the ground nail into the ground at an oblique angle of 45-60 degrees, and at least 2/3 of the ground nail will be driven into the ground, so that the stress will be maximum; ​
5. Tighten the front end of the windbreak rope with one hand, and hold the three-hole slide with the other hand to push it closer to the tent end. Tighten up, the tighter the better. ​
Loosen your hands. If the whole tent rope is still tight, it means that the windproof rope is set up. If it is found to be loose, keep tightening it according to the above method.
In addition, some friends tie the windbreak rope to death when they pull it, which is very wrong; When the tent is in use, it shakes, which will loosen the windproof rope, so that the role of the windproof rope in stabilizing the tent will gradually decrease, and it needs to be adjusted in real time, so it is difficult to adjust it if it is tied into a knot!

Post time: Oct-24-2022