The role of dog leash

Leash, also known as dog rope, dog chain. In the past, when people raised dogs in the countryside, they would only tie some of the more ferocious big dogs on leashes, while obedient dogs that didn’t take the initiative to hurt others would be free-range.

But with the changing times, it has become a social responsibility to tie a dog on a leash. Although this leash may seem insignificant, it has a great effect. So, what exactly does a leash do?

Prevent dogs from scaring passersby or accidentally hurting people

Many pet owners will say: My dog ​​is very obedient and will not bite. But for people who are afraid of dogs, even a very docile puppy can be quite frightened by watching it rush over.

There are also some dogs who are excited when they see people, like to jump at people, and it is easy to accidentally hurt others. But as long as the pet owner ties the dog on a leash, these situations can be avoided.

Prevent dogs from running around accidentally

Unlike humans, dogs don’t know how to read the road or how badly they get hit by a car. If the dog is not tied on a leash, accidents may occur when it accidentally runs to the side of the road, or is curious about a moving vehicle and wants to chase it.

Most dogs have traffic accidents because the owner is not on a leash. Don’t wait for the dog to have an accident and then regret it.

Prevent dogs from being lost

Leash your dog when you go out to ensure that the dog is within the control of the owner and will not get lost. Some owners will also say that my dog ​​can be called back without a leash.

But can you guarantee that you can still be so obedient when the dog is in heat and provoked? It’s hard. And once the dog is lost, the probability of getting it back is very low.

Prevent fights or promiscuity between dogs

The relationship between dogs is relatively subtle. They communicate through smell. If they smell that they are incompatible, they are easy to fight, and if they smell the smell of the opposite sex, they are easy to mate, especially male dogs.

If the dogs are not tied to the leash, once the dog fights or has a tendency to mate, it is difficult for the owner to stop it, but there is a leash, which can better reduce the risk.

Prevent dogs from eating

Dogs naturally like to lick and pick up things to eat. If they don’t hold the dog, they will go where their owners can’t see them, and accidentally eat rotten garbage, rat poison, cockroach medicine, or even poison that someone deliberately poisons the dog. , the dog will be life-threatening.

Tie the dog on a leash, which can control the dog’s walking route and help the owner to stop the dog from eating indiscriminately.

What if my dog ​​has the habit of going out and eating?

The behavior of dogs who like to eat things on the ground when they go out needs to be corrected. The pet owner needs to train the dog to refuse food from a young age, so that he knows that he cannot eat indiscriminately outside, so as to avoid the danger of accidental eating.

Dogs are very greedy. When the owner conducts food refusal training for the dog, he can put his favorite snacks on the ground. If the dog wants to eat it, he must stop it immediately. If the dog cannot control the food on the ground, The owner can give it double the reward, let the dog know that it refuses the small snacks on the ground, and can get more snacks.

The training needs to be gradual and gradually increase the dog’s refusal time. Don’t delusionally teach the dog a few times. The food prepared for training is also very important. You can transition from dog food that is of general interest to snacks that dogs especially like to eat, like this “goat cheese” snack that does not add pigments, flavors, and preservatives. The milk is fragrant, and many dogs are attracted to it as soon as they smell it.

In this way, the temptation of food is gradually increased. If the dog can resist it, the training effect is very good.

Post time: Aug-12-2022